Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Weight loss... what weight loss?

Okay, I'll admit that I got a bit stressed out these past few months and decided to stop caring about my weight loss journey. However, I honestly can't stand not caring anymore so I'm back! The Battle of the Bulge continues!

Today will be a fresh start. No stressing about how I failed in the past or how I've gained all the weight back that I lost before. To move forward, I'm going to start with small steps. I'll keep in mind that it's not impossible to lose a few pounds, so for now, I'm going to try to lose just 3 pounds. In a previous weight loss venture, I've been most successful with a combination of diet and exercise. No surprises there, huh? Sorry to say that there's no magic bullet that I've found.

First exercise step: Get into exercise mental mode. This means getting into the habit of exercising on a regular basis. I think it's too much pressure and too ambitious to set a goal where I have to exercise every day for an hour. I get tired and lazy and start rebelling against my own strict rules. So taking a slightly more relaxed approach, I'm going exercise for 15 minutes just 3 times a week. This is just to get me into the swing of things. It could be weight training or it could be cardio. Right now, I just want to get into the habit of exercising.

First diet step: Eat lighter foods. I really haven't been eating a lot of sweet and fatty foods compared to some others, but I can't say I've been eating very healthy foods either. I have a weakness for cheese and creamy sauces. I also tend to snack. So in an effort to eat a little lighter, I'm going to replace one meal with a salad at least once a week. It's got to have a minimal amount of dressing, and have a variety of veggies.

I'll stick with this for a week or two and then see if I can't build a little more momentum. Wish me luck!

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