Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Homemade lemony hairspray

I have no idea if it will end up bleaching my hair, but I keep coming across it. There's also a method that includes Elmer's glue (not doing that one!) and a method that uses sugar water. I hear the sugar water hairspray works very well, but may attract wasps! So lemon hairspray it is.

Now, I've never actually used hairspray on myself, but I hate it when I take a curling iron to my hair, and after all my clumsy fumbling and bungling work to curl my hair, it falls back straight within an hour. Even so, I'm not desperate to get hairspray since I usually don't have the patience to style my hair. It's a once in a blue moon thing. So why not try the recipe out?

Basically, you cut up 1 lemon and boil it with 2 cups of water until it's been reduced down to at least half or less. Strain it through a cheesecloth, coffee filter or fine sieve and let cool. Once cool, bottle it into a fine mist spray bottle. It will keep for 2 weeks in the refrigerator, or 2 weeks unrefrigerated if you add an ounce of alcohol.

So I tried it out and guess what? It really works! However, not for free floating curls in my hair. Since the droplets are bigger than that of an aerosol can, the water weighed down my curls and straightened them as it dried. It didn't straighten completely, but it was straighter than when I released the curls from the curling iron. I think it would be great if I had my hair up in a french twist and needed to keep it in place. It doesn't smell overpoweringly of lemons, but it does have a lemon scent. So far, it doesn't look like it bleached my hair either. Perhaps it would work better if I got a spray bottle that squirts out a finer mist...

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