Monday, September 28, 2009

First exercise step / CC BY 2.0

So far, I've been pretty decent about getting on my mini-elliptical on a regular basis. Certainly, I could be clocking more minutes on it, but I am happy with the fact that I now regularly think of getting on that machine. So now that the habit has been semi-formed, the next step is to push a little harder.

So far, doing a short, leisurely burst of 15 minutes on my mini-elliptical isn't enough. Haha! Yeah, I already knew that. So I think the next thing I want to do is start adding some weight training to my routine. You know, stuff like pushups and crunches. If I do 10 minutes of weight training and then another 15 minutes of light cardio, that'll net me 25 minutes of exercise total per session. Right now, I'm only exercising every other day because I can never keep up a daily exercise routine in the past. I know I'm starting off very slow, but hey, it's a start!

As for the plan to have salad once a week... that hasn't been going very well. But I have been cooking more at home. I know, I know, I really should get on that salad track. I definitely have plans to do that this week as I bought a bunch of lettuce and other veggies this past weekend.

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