Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Rose bush is blooming

Our rose bush has started to bloom. I trimmed it down aggressively last fall and it has already grown back what it lost. I am taking time out every week or two to keep it under control or the thing will take over the entire yard! I am having fun clipping the roses as they bloom so far, but since they're not long-stemmed roses, they don't seem to last. Still, it's nice to have flowers around. I think once this round of blooms have been spent, I'll trim it back again. Last year, the thing just kept growing and growing and I don't want it climbing over the garage or into my neighbor's yard, which it threatens to do already.

In other news, our strawberries are turning red! Can't wait to try some! I am also happy to report that our garlic is doing well, our potatoes have finally sprouted green shoots, our bean are still alive and our citrus trees are regaining their lost leaves with a vengeance! I am cautiously excited and rather afraid of these promising signs ending in more failure. I guess we'll have to wait and see!

Thursday, May 9, 2013


I love peppermint! I remember when I was little, a friend said she hated peppermint and I didn't understand why. I wonder if she's changed her mind since, but I sure haven't. I still love peppermint!

Not only do I have a peppermint plant growing in the back yard, but I also have peppermint essential oil stocked in the house. I love picking sprigs off my plant in the summer and grinding some raw sugar into it, then adding some rum and iced water. Or even just boiling the peppermint sprigs with some sugar for a sweet peppermint tea, which is good for an upset tummy.

I use the essential oil on my temples and ears to relieve tension and headaches, I add it to my tooth powder and I rub it into itchy bug bites to relieve the itch. You can add it lotions to make your lotions minty and I sometimes, I just love sniffing it.

Yes indeed, peppermint is a wonderful thing.