Saturday, October 27, 2012

Lunch lady makes food "too good" for school

How is it that we have people in places of power with mentalities where when they see something outstanding being done, they think, "we need to push that down to our current nasty levels," instead of thinking, "we need to elevate our current nasty levels and learn from this outstanding phenomenon!"

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Possible new TSA scanners

Considering the lack of professionalism, integrity and empathy that seems to pervade the TSA across the country, I am hesitant to give them access to more power to invade my personal being and privacy. Unfortunately, no one in the government is standing up for the common folk against the TSA when the TSA violates a person's body, private property, emotional integrity and freedom to travel.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Florida to set student goals by race

These educators have completely missed the consensus nowadays that socio-economic factors have a greater role on educational performance than ethnicity. There is quite a lot of data to support the consensus. So why Florida wants to do this is beyond me and misguided in more ways than one.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Making vinegar

Hubby and I are regular wine drinkers. Unfortunately, we often can't finish a full bottle of wine before it becomes unpleasant to drink. So in the past, we've also wasted quite a bit of wine. So sad, I know. The good news is, I've found a way to use up leftover wine. Turn it into vinegar!

I use a lot of vinegar. I use it for everything from laundry to surface cleaning. So this is a great project for me. I am sure I can find lots of uses for the homemade vinegar, aside from just using it in food.

Basically, I took a crock and poured one cup of water with one cup of white wine and several tablespoons of Braggs vinegar. It's important to use vinegar that has not been pasteurized so that the bacteria that makes vinegar is still alive. Cover the container with cloth and I secured it with a rubber band. This keeps the bugs out and still allows the vinegar to breathe. Every two weeks or so, I would pour in another half a cup or full cup of white wine. It took about a month, but I now have a pretty good chunk of vinegar mother sitting on top of my homemade vinegar.

For more on the process, you can check out this link:

Friday, October 5, 2012

Schools putting children into isolation rooms

How is this not a form of abuse? How can anybody in the right minds think this is an acceptable way to treat kids?

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Further erosion of privacy

I think in the future, the concept of "privacy" is going to become alien to a lot of people. With all these systems and things set up to know everything there is to know about anybody, where are the checks and balances? Where are the rules to prevent abuse?