Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Extending the life of your disposable razor

I gotta admit that I'm a freak of nature and shave very rarely because I'm pretty hair-less. I was quite envious of my friends in high school because all I could do was listen to them commiserate about the task of shaving. Honestly, I felt left out! I didn't realize how lucky I am, but my friends did and practically shouted in my ear to never start shaving if I could get away with it. Lol! Of course, unless I wear sleeves all the time, there are times when I need to shave. That's when I get a little peeved when I go razor hunting. Razors aren't cheap and they do need to get replaced if you use them regularly. Granted, I probably don't use up my blades quite as fast as some other girls, and thus am able to save a few bucks here and there, but the amount of money I spend on replacing an old razor still adds up to quite a bit!

So here's a link that talks about how you can extend the life of your disposable razor using an old pair of jeans. Cool!


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