Thursday, July 30, 2009

Jailbroken iPhones a threat! Puh-leese!

Apple issued a report saying how jailbroken iPhones can potentially allow hackers to crash cell phone towers and such. Basically, they are trying to keep the practice of jailbreaking iPhones from being legalized. I think it's a ridiculous argument and I agree the Electronic Frontier Foundation's stance that we should be able to run whatever we want on devices we own.

Tactics like this, along with Amazon's treatment of Kindle content only reflects the growing trend of big companies controlling populations via knowledge and technology. It's basically akin to censorship and if we don't all take up a stand and see how damaging this trend is, we risk losing a great deal of control over our lives in the name of corporate profit.

After all, we can see how wonderfully the for-profit model has worked for health care - NOT! You really can't expect a company to be respectful and caring of individuals when their reason for existence is to make money for a small group greed-driven people. They're gonna control you so they can milk you like the cows they think you are!

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