Thursday, April 7, 2011

Rising price of food

This year, food prices are going up. You may have already noticed that you are getting less food for the same money. The cheapest foods are still the most unhealthy, such as soda, chips and Spam. That continues to leave the lowest income earners with fewer healthy choices. It's not a pretty picture and there appears to be no sign that food prices will be going back down anytime soon.

The truth is, as much as I hate to see rising food prices, I think this is actually good for me personally. I eat too much and have gained quite a bit of weight these past few years. If food prices go up and I end up eating less, then I'll end up losing some this excess weight. Not necessarily a bad thing since I'm not starving, just dieting. Lol!

Aside from that, rising food prices are bad. It's particularly bleak for people who are barely able to afford food in the first place. As the situation worsens, food riots will occur. Until extreme weather stops destroying our food crops all over the world, I'm not seeing food prices going back down. Like I said before, it's not a pretty picture.


Murphy Kismet said...

Every time I pass by a gas station and see the price of gas has risen some more, another bit of my heart drops. Higher gas prices means higher food prices.

Jen. said...

Higher gas prices definitely have far-reaching consequences for many things. Food prices have also gone up because farmers are devoting more of their resources to biofuel production. Extreme weather destroying crops have an immediate, in-your-face affect on the stuff we buy.

The drought in Australia and Eastern Europe have hurt grain and corn production. Add this to the floods in West Africa and North Korea, deep frosts in China, and droughts throughout Africa and you have an exceleration in the rise of food prices. More recently, extreme weather has destroyed a number of crops in Mexico, which have affected the cost of leafy greens in the U.S.

Although the U.S. is not as affected as the poorer countries, it comes at a time when people are financially tight. It's pretty unfair when you think of this and then think of how middle and lower income earners have not had a real wage increase for the past 10 years while the wealthiest 2 percent have had their income increase exponentially.