Friday, August 14, 2009

Wedding recap 1: The Venue

Ever since I got engaged, it's been a whirlwind of wedding planning stress and activity. All this, and I'm not even being obsessive or picky about stuff! I think it is because I'm not obsessive and picky that I got as much done as I did. I'm moving along at a good pace though I feel like I'm pretty much bleeding money out of my ears right now. The thing is, as laid back as I think I am, I'm really rather spoiled. I definitely want things a certain way.

A good example of that would be how I chose our venue. When searching for venues, I automatically ruled out any place that did not have a website with pictures. Then I ruled out any place with pictures I didn't like. Some venues were really beautiful and very fancy-looking, but just not the kind of place I wanted to celebrate in. As I'm ruling places out, I realized that I tend to like places with flowers and gardens, which meant no uppity country clubs, hotel ballrooms, golf courses and vineyards. Then I ruled out any place that does more than one event at a time.

Here's where I'm being spoiled. I just feel that the celebrations won't feel intimate and personal if there are other people for another event walking around the venue. I've been to weddings where I could have walked into another wedding's reception and hang out there. I just don't want that. I want the place to myself for the hours that I have it!

Anyways, after all that, I started crossing out any venue that charged over $100 per person. That pretty much left me with only a few choices, which is good because that means fewer trips we have to make to visit these places! The first place we went to, F.E.A.S.T. at Round Hill, was wonderful and we really liked it. I was definitely happy to just go with this place even though we hadn't seen any others, especially since they were a good deal for $75 per person and no ceremony fee. However, I just had to see our second top choice and when I did, I just HAD to have it there! The place, Catlin Gardens, charged right up to the limit of our budget and charged a ceremony fee, but it was just sooooo beautiful there! I was a bit hesitant about the second place because with the 100 person minimum, it was going to make us go over-budget on the venue. My honey bear actually preferred the first place, but I really wanted the second place. So he said to go for it since it's such a special, rare occasion. So we did, and I ended up squeezing money out of the budget for other items. Keep in mind that the prices I'm quoting is for a Sunday wedding, which is cheaper than a Saturday wedding.

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