Friday, August 21, 2009

Best makeup primers

While I was still thinking seriously about doing my own makeup for the wedding, I started researching ways to make my makeup applications last. See, I have a major, major problem with makeup meltdowns and smudges. I always end up shiny with panda eyes at the end of the day. Of course, it doesn't help that I don't generally wear makeup so my experience applying the stuff isn't very steady.

Anyways, I came across recommendations for face and eye primers. At first, I was really impressed with silicone primers. I've tried the Smashbox brand and the Sephora Professional brand. I liked them because not only did it smooth the texture my skin, allowing for a smooth application of foundation, but it also made my face matte. Unfortunately for me, it doesn't last the entire day, and using them often made my face break out. Not good!

Then I read some rave reviews for Philosophy's The Present Clear Makeup. It's a better deal in terms of price compared to Smashbox and the Sephora Professional and when I tried it out, I loved it! Honestly, my foundation stayed on all day and my face stayed fairly matte. It also didn't make my face break out!

So now that I've found a primer for my foundation, I needed something keep my eyes from looking like I got punched at the end of the day. Urban Decay's Eyeshadow Primer Potion to the rescue! This stuff is GREAT! I mean, for the first time EVER, my eye makeup didn't smudge! I totally love this stuff!

So right now, my fave primers before makeup application are Philosophy's The Present Clear Makeup and Urban Decay's Eyeshadow Primer Potion. They're not cheap, but well worth the price if you want some assurance that you won't end up looking like a clown.

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