Monday, April 23, 2012

Eco-Friendly Laundry Day

I don't use commercial detergents or soaps. I use castile soap with a very light sprinkling of borax and washing soda. For fabric softener, I add white vinegar to the rinse cycle. I consider what I have been doing more eco-friendly than what I was doing before, which is using commercial detergents, but I am still using a washing machine and dryer.

We could go a step further and air-dry our laundry and also hand wash our clothes like this:
But then we are denying ourselves the reality of living in an age of modern conveniences. With both hubby and I working full time with long commutes, who has time and energy to then also stomp on laundry, hang it up, and then fold and put clothes away? When I come home, I barely have enough energy to dust a room after cooking and eating dinner. I have way too many things and projects I want to do and just not enough energy to do it.

I imagine that if I could be actively working on something every waking second, I could get around to doing everything I really want done, but the truth is, I get really tired. Working and commuting takes a lot out of a person. For me, I usually don't get enough sleep so I'm fatigued all the time. Foregoing modern conveniences for the sake of being eco-friendly in a world that depends on modern conveniences can often seem daunting or impractical.

So as much fun as air-drying and laundry stomping seems to be, I just don't think I have the energy for that at my current point in life. Also, I'm not sure how hubby would feel about stomping on laundry.


Anonymous said...

I've been thinking about making my own detergent. But i'd never ever give up my machines. case in point:


Jen. said...

I used to make my own laundry detergent with 1 bar of castile soap, 1 cup of borax and 1 cup or washing soda (or 2 cups baking soda). It works really well, but I was too lazy to make another batch when I ran out.