Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Poor tomato plant

Yesterday, in a cloud of enthusiasm and clumsiness, I accidentally killed one of my tomato seedlings. :-(

I don't think it's too late to start another seedling, but I think I'll pass on that. I still have 2 seedlings and if they die, then I'll just buy a plant from the green market once they're back. It's not the end of the world. Just a reminder that I do indeed have a black thumb.

Here is my track record so far:

2 Bloomsdale Longstanding Spinach
None sprouted as seeds were too old and crummy.

2 Little Gem Lettuce
None sprouted as seeds were too old and crummy

1 Little Gem Lettuce
New seed packet with a few planted in one small pot this past weekend

3 Lincoln Peas
1 Sprouted and looks very healthy!

3 Brandywine tomatoes
2 Still surviving, but looks sad and weak

1 Small Wonder Spaghetti Squash
1 Sprouted - took a long while, but I spied a tiny seedling curling up just last night!

4 Angels' Trumpet flowers
2 Sprouted

6 Lilac Petunia flowers
3 Sprouted. These have been really hard to not kill!

1 Thai Hot Pepper
Just planted this past weekend

2 Large Leaf Italian Basil
1 Sprouted. No luck on the other pot

6 Garlic Chives
Just planted this past weekend in one pot

So it looks like my success rate is a little under 50 percent.

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