Tuesday, May 19, 2009

So much weight to lose, so little time...

It is unfortunate that I have to go away after only just starting on my weight loss journey, but I'm still feeling very motivated to continue my plan when I go away. I'm not sure about the calorie restriction part, but I definitely plan to keep moving!

As optimistic as I am about losing the pounds in the long run, I am a bit stressed about how I'm going to look on the beach during my vacation. I tried on my bathing suits a few days ago and I look like a giant, blubbery whale! I can only hope that I can have fun on my vacation without worrying too much about my diet and my appearance. Insecurities can certainly rain on this parade, but I don't know how I can control a lifelong mental habit of stressing over my body image. Of course, we won't know how it will go until I get there. I suppose there really is no point worrying about it now.

Right now, I should be focusing on sticking with my current goals and prepping for a do-nothing vacation!

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