Monday, June 24, 2013

Great idea for dealing with irresponsible dog owners

We have a fair amount of dog owners in our neighborhoods. Although most are good about picking up after their dogs, some are regularly bad about it. What's terrible about owners that don't pick up after their dog, is that their leaving the sh*t in front of someone else's house to deal with and that's just not cool. We've even had one time when someone tossed the bag of dog poop into our recycling bin after the garbage people had finished with their pickups. So we were left to deal with it until the next pickup. Because of irresponsible dog owners, we now use plastic bags to put our garbage and recyclables out. I would love to be able to put out our bins instead of bags, but we often come hope to people tossing disgusting things in random bins, like chewing gum and dog poop. I don't own a dog and I assume that not owning a dog means I don't have to pick up dog poop.

Anyways, it appears NYC is not the only place that have irresponsible dog owners who don't pick up poop. Check out how one town is dealing with the problem:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Lol! good one! Great idea to get the dog owners clean up dog poop