Friday, January 11, 2013


Late last year, I bought the Envirocycle mini compost tumbler to start composting in my urban home. It's quite small and can fit on top of a table, but I just set mine on the floor. It's been a little over a month since I started dumping stuff into it on a weekly basis and it's getting full. Unfortunately, because it's winter, there is not much rotting going on. :-(

Once it fills up a bit more, I'll have to stop putting stuff into it. At first, I tumbled the thing every week, but since it's been so cold and nothing's happening, I've given up on doing that until the weather warms up. Because it is so cold, I am unable to tell if I'm putting in enough "browns." I tried sniffing it, but I can't smell anything, especially since everything is probably frozen. Then there's the issue of whether or not I'm keeping the stuff wet enough. Again, moisture is just freezing up in there so I'm not sure if it's at the consistency it should be.

In any case, it looks like I'll have to wait until it's warmer to know for sure how to proceed and facilitate rotting. I am pretty excited to see it rot! I can't wait!

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