Friday, August 10, 2012

Tomato plants

Our two poorly grown tomato plants are finally giving us tomatoes! This is my first attempt at growing tomatoes and I planted two heirloom kinds: Cherokee and Brandywine. The Cherokee isn't look so good, but the Brandywine looks like it's having a ball!

Anyways, we've harvested 3 awesome, super delicious Brandywine tomatoes already and each one was super juicy and flavorful. The Cherokee plant actually started growing a tomato first, but then it got sickly and that tomato is still trying to ripen.

To hubby and me, this was a learning year. Our poor plants were planted too closely together and weren't staked properly so they ended up slowly trying to strangle each other and falling down, with their stalks ripping apart from the weight of the growing branches and tomatoes. It was quite distressing to see that, but I didn't know any better when I planted them. Next year, I'll plant them in better locations and also use a tomato cage. For now, I'll just eat the tomatoes as they come and hope for better luck next year!

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