Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Wedding ring? Check!

Yes folks! I have purchased and received my chosen wedding ring! I saw it on from JewelerOnTheRoof. It's called PlatinumSol and it is very pretty! My fiance, on the other hand, still does not have the faintest idea what kind of ring he wants.
So how did I come to buy this ring and not another? Well, from the start, I knew I wanted something very thin, no more than 2mm wide. I have thin fingers and have always had a problem finding rings that are small enough to fit or at the very least, won't look like it swallowed my whole hand. I think my engagement ring is about 2mm wide. My all-time favorite ring was my mother's, and is a lovely rose gold ring about 1.5 mm wide. On occasion, I'll wear a thicker, more flashy ring, but I have to be in the mood for it. For everyday wear, I prefer something very simple, won't draw the attention of random thieves, and won't get caught on fine fabrics and delicate yarns when I work with them. I work with my hands a lot and some of the yarns and fabrics I've handled will get caught on nothing more than dry skin! So I would rather my everyday jewelry not give me grief in that respect. I have no patience nor presence of mind to keep removing and replacing my jewelry for every craft project.

I admit that the Wedding Industrial Complex did briefly tempt me to consider the currently wildly popular wedding band that is set with diamonds all around. That got me thinking. Conformity with your peers may make you more acceptable because people think they understand you and know you, but is it really what you would choose had you been left completely to your own devices? I don't know if I mentioned this before, but sometimes, I am sad that I ended up with a diamond engagement ring rather than a ruby ring like I had always wanted. What was kind of upsetting is that even though I ended up with the kind of ring everyone thought was "appropriate," it was still looked upon with pity and scorn because apparently, the diamond wasn't big enough for some people. So my caving into social pressures did nothing but make me unhappy and left me feeling inadequate. In the end, it's my ring and I do love it. It's just that sometimes, I wish I had stuck to my guns and chosen a ruby ring.

Anyways, I originally thought about getting something more ornate, like this or this, but I eventually decided I didn't like the look of the ring. Those are made with a mold, rather than hand-carved, which seems to make the details less striking. I then saw this post on Etsy Wedding. I saw how pretty a simple, really thin band looks and I just knew that it was something I would wear every day. It turns out that very thin rings tend to be known as stacking rings and doing a search for stacking rings will yield some beautiful results on Etsy! After some browsing, I noticed that I gravitated towards rings that were either totally plain and looked like a fat wire around a finger, or rings with a hammered texture. I wanted a ring as thin as possible. I eventually found a lovely 1mm ring. The concern is that 1mm rings are very thin and may bend and break over time. So when I saw a strong, platinum version, I knew I found what I wanted!

I ordered it last December and a month later, I received it! When I finally got to see and touch the ring in person, I was able to appreciate just how tiny the ring is. I was a little afraid I would lose it! This is definitely a ring I wouldn't want to take off cause I would definitely lose it somewhere! I tried it on and rubbed covetously before my fiance demanded that I hand it over to him. He promptly pocketed it and hid it when we got home so I can't secretly wear the ring around the apartment when he's not around. Oh well, I guess I'll see it again on our wedding day! Now all we have to do is go ring shopping for him!

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