Thursday, January 21, 2010

Battle of the Bulge check-in

- Exercise 20 minutes per day
- Stay within calorie range per day
- Drink 5 cups of water per day
- Do at least 10 minutes of yoga per day

Pennies earned:

I haven't posted one of these in a while. As you can see, I really haven't gotten anywhere since the holidays started. I should have earned a great deal more pennies by now, but it's been difficult getting back on track. However, I'm trying keep myself accountable with these posts, for honesty's sake, the above is where I am.

I did add a new goal though. This is to encourage me to maintain and increase my flexibility as I continue to try to keep to an exercise routine. Plus, I just love the way my body feels when I do it regularly. I may increase the number of minutes but for now, 10 minutes will do.

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