Saturday, January 5, 2013

Brewing your own Kombucha

My first taste of kombucha did not leave me wanting more. In fact, I disliked it. However, I had heard so many good and miraculous things about it that I thought I would give it another shot and bought a bottle. It was a hot summer day and I was craving something sweet and fizzy and that bottle totally hit the spot! From then on, I loved kombucha! The only problem is, they're so expensive!

So one day, I decided to make my own. I didn't bother buying a scoby (kombucha mother). Instead, I grew one from a store-bought bottle of kombucha. You can read how to do that here:

Now that I have a healthy scoby going, I brew and bottle every 2 weeks and I make it with green tea. Hubby likes his fizzier so he likes to keep the bottles at room temperature to continue fermenting for a while. The longer they ferment in the bottles, the fizzier it gets. I don't mind drinking it as soon as it tastes right.

Now, I don't put much stock in the reports of how kombucha cures stuff and does all these miraculous things. I just like the taste and I do think it's healthy because it has live cultures in it that helps digestion. Other than that, it's also fun to know that I can make something so yummy at home!

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