Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Banning pedestrians from using headphones

I saw this in the NYTimes and thought, what a waste of time this is:

Apparently, some lawmakers think it prudent to ban pedestrians from using headphones while crossing streets. The justification is that distracted pedestrians are a danger to themselves because they aren't paying full attention (in some cases, any attention) on where they are and what's around them. Pedestrians often do not follow traffic rules and add the fact that they're distracted, they are particularly vulnerable to accidents.

Personally, I have walked many streets with headphones on. It's true that I can't hear and my ability to sense danger when crossing a road is dampened. However, I can still see. I still look both ways before I cross and never cross if I see a car coming. Isn't that what we're taught as children? If an adult just so happens to forget that crossing streets have inherent dangers or chooses to ignore the inherent dangers because they're listening to a really rockin' song, then I agree with this quote from the article:

“At some point, we need to take responsibility for our own stupidity.”


kimelah said...

OH jeepers!
Everytime I hear someone say that people shouldn't use headphones outside becaue it stops them from hearing any danger coming their way, I always want to ask them what they'd do about people who are deaf.
Yes, when listening to music, one can forget to stop, look, and listen, and THEN cross. But so can being lost in one's thoughts. Happened to me: didn't realize what I'd done until a car passed RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME. I looked up and realized I was in the MIDDLE OF THE ROAD.

Jen. said...

Yep! I've done that too. Poor car. I'm sure I've given some driver a bit a scare. Lol!