So I finally got my rear in gear and sent out my Save-The-Date emails. It was a pain the butt getting the guest list together mainly because my better half wasn't very good about getting his list together right. The good news is that that is all in the past now! It's done!
The Save-The-Date emails were great because they forced us to get that guest list together. In turn, getting that guest list together and having to actually send something out based on it, brought a lot of questions to mind.
The first question was, do we send everyone we have an email address for a STD email? The answer was ultimately no. Some guests, like my grandmother, do not have email addresses. Some guests already know the date and are bad with emails. Some guests, we're still not sure we want to invite, and for some guests, we're only inviting part of a group and want to minimize talk by giving them less time to talk about who in the group is invited and who is not.
The second question that came up was how to address people. My feeling, after reading lots of wedding websites, was to address married couples as "Mr. and Mrs. John Doe." If Mr. and Mrs. Doe has children who are invited, it was, "Mr. and Mrs. John Doe and Family." Singles were addressed as "Ms. Jane Doe and Guest" or "Mr. John Doe and Guest, though we left off the "Guest" part for the STDs.
I'm thinking now, for the invitations, keeping it less formal when I know the names of both parties in couples. It feels weird when I know a couple as John and Jane and addressing them as Mr. and Mrs. John Doe, as if the woman doesn't deserve mention. I know I'm being a bit sensitive here, but it does irk me ever so slightly.
Anyways, I'm glad this task has finally been checked off my list! Yay!
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