This was something I actually learned from a Martha Stewart magazine many years ago, but has been travelling the "green" sites of late. Take a sock, preferably a knee high or other long sock and fill it with dry, uncooked rice. You can either sew it closed or knot it closed. For a hot pad, place it in the microwave for a few minutes. For a cold pad, place in the freezer and leave it there until you want to use it.
I personally have never used it as a cold pad. As a hot pad, it holds its warmth for about 30 minutes or longer. The rice molds itself to whatever body part it's placed upon and its heavy weight feels comforting to me. I've reused the rice sock many times over the year and it can feel really good to drape a warm one around your neck after a long day of staring at the computer screen. I've never opened the sock later to eat the rice inside though I've wondered about that. Lol!
this is a great thing to make and use. my doula brought one for me when i was in labor with mika. i used it on my lower back and my neck. i love how you can mold it to wrap whatever part of your body you need it on.
Yeah, I use it when I have my period too to help relieve cramps
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