Thursday, July 23, 2009

Herbal remedy for headaches?

I used to have great tolerance for pain and was proud of it! Now, I'm a total wimp! As soon as I get even the slightest inkling of a headache or cramps, I reach for the ibuprofen. It bothers me that I take something so artificially produced, but hey, it works! Then, I stumbled upon the article linked below. Apparently, herbs like feverfew, lavender and rosemary can help alleviate a headache.

Personally, I have tried rubbing peppermint oil around my forehead, temples, cheeks, back of the neck and back of ears with some success at alleviating a headache. However, it doesn't help for really bad ones, like a migraine. Lavender is supposed to have a calming effect, but I can never say I really feel calmer after having sniffed lavender. As for rosemary, not a big fan of the scent, but I'm willing try it as tea if it will help my headache. Same for the feverfew. I am most intrigued by feverfew and maybe I'll look for some to try next time I feel a headache coming on.

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